Bulldog Families, Please see the attached letter from the Walker County Sheriff's Office warning residents of an ongoing telephone scam. New Waverly ISD
8 days ago, New Waverly ISD
Walker County Sheriff's Office Telephone Scam Information
Dear Bulldog Families, New Waverly ISD is sharing this information about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015(ESSA). 2023-2024 Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link: https://www.new-waverly.k12.tx.us/page/district-accountability or they are also available on the Texas Education Agency’s website: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/frc/frc_srch.html?year=2024.
9 days ago, New Waverly ISD
Please see information regarding the most recent school board meeting....and try to stay warm!
14 days ago, New Waverly ISD
Feb 20
Sunday night reminder: NEW WAVERLY ISD has regular classes tomorrow!!
17 days ago, New Waverly ISD
Reminder: We are hosting an open house tonight for our new intermediate school. Everyone is invited to take a look at our new campus! Format will be come and go beginning at 7:00 pm and ending 8:00 pm. We will have a short greeting in the gym at 7:00 pm.
about 1 month ago, New Waverly ISD
New Waverly Isd WILL RETURN TO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22 with regular hours. We don't expect problems due to the good conditions today, but be wise and make the best decision for your family. Should conditions change we will notify through our Bulldog App
about 1 month ago, New Waverly ISD
New Waverly ISD will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to the possible winter storm. We hope to return to classes on Wednesday but will evaluate depending on the circumstances. Stay warm and safe, and we hope to see everyone soon!
about 2 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Please see Live Feed or social media for updates on weather, OPEN HOUSE for the New Intermediate School, MLK Monday
about 2 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Jan 16
The NWISD Special Education Department would like to encourage parents to register for this FREE webinar being provided by the State of Texas discussing the student IEP and ARD process. 📢 Free Statewide Webinar: Understanding Your Child’s IEP and the ARD Process Join SPEDTex, Partners Resource Network, and Region 10 Education Service Center for an informative presentation designed to help families better understand the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) process. 🗓 Date: January 22 ⏰ Time: 12:15 PM 🔗 Register: https://bit.ly/4haoq4X David Mapps, Special Education Technical Assistance Manager at the Texas Education Agency, will share insights on: ▪️ What to expect during an ARD committee meeting ▪️ Who should be present ▪️ How to navigate your child’s IEP
about 2 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Understanding Your Child's IEP and the ARD Process
Comprender el IEP de su hijo y el proceso ARD
Please see our update on social media or Live Feed. Merry Christmas and remember that classes end at noon today!
3 months ago, New Waverly ISD
dec 19
Wednesday, Dec. 18, the rail road track will be closed in front of the Junior High beginning at 3 AM and ending sometime in the PM. All traffic will divert to Front Street. This is likely to have quite an impact so please plan accordingly. Remember: we are just the messengers!
3 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Please see social media or Live Feed for November 20 newsletter!
4 months ago, New Waverly ISD
nov 20
Please remember when you are in a school zone to slow down, stay off your cell phones, yield to the school buses & watch for pedestrians.
4 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Car Rider Drop-off & Pick-up Information
Please see our Live Feed or social media for updates: Senior night tomorrow night (5:20). Kickoff 6:00 pm. Veterans Day program Monday!
4 months ago, New Waverly ISD
nov 7
At this time our phone provider is having a service disruption. Please be patient with us until they can get the issue resolved. If you need assistance from a campus please email the campus secretary.
5 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Next week is National School Lunch Week
5 months ago, New Waverly ISD
National School Lunch Week
Rooms is working again. Thank you all for your patience while we worked to get this resolved!
6 months ago, New Waverly ISD
We have been made aware that classes are missing from Rooms and we are working with our vendor to resolve this matter. We will notify everyone when the issue has been resolved.
6 months ago, New Waverly ISD
Please see our newsletter via live feed or social media
6 months ago, New Waverly ISD
sept 13
Please see updates via Live Feed or social media!
6 months ago, New Waverly ISD
AUG 29