Students and Parents,
We will be collecting textbooks, library books, laptops & internet hotspots at the following campuses today. Please make arrangements to get your items turned in.
Junior High - 8am - 2pm
Intermediate - 9am - 2pm
High School - 12pm - 6pm
Students and Parents,
We will be collecting textbooks, library books, laptops & hotspots at the following times next week. Please make arrangements to get your items turned in.
High School - Tuesday, 6/9 - 9am - 2pm & Thursday, 6/11 - 12pm - 6pm
Junior High - Monday - Thursday - 8am - 2pm
Intermediate - Monday - Thursday - 9am - 2pm
Graduation ceremony will be live-streamed tonight on our high school Facebook page. There will be a back up steam posted after ceremony in case of video crashing or other technology issues!
Congratulations to our senior class of 2020! We are closing the NWISD Track and stadium today only in preparation for tonight’s graduation ceremony. We will also provide information soon for those who wish to view the ceremony online!
Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) is a one-time food benefit for families who lost access to free or reduced-price meals due to school closures. The P-EBT application opens the first week of June. Please see attached documents. We will post these on our website.
Reminder: Food service will be delivering meals at our distribution spots today. The program will run through the month of June with a week's worth of food available each Monday.
Students that have the following items still checked out can turn them in at the High School campus Friday, May 29 or Wednesday, June 3 from 8a-noon. Items include: hotspots, laptops, textbooks & library books.
Community parade for seniors tonight @ 7:30 pm. Line your vehicles along 75 to celebrate our graduates!
For the month of JUNE NWISD will continue to provide food for students. Buses will run and we will provide curbside service one day a week. Dates are: May 26, June 1, June 8, June 15 and June 22. A week's worth of food will be delivered at that time. Bus stops will remain the same and curbside service is available from 11:00-12:30
Reminders: seniors cap and gown pick up today! Video message also filmed today! Jh and intermediate report card and send off Tuesday morning 8-11 am. Elementary send off and report card pick up Tuesday 3-6 pm
May 19 - 3:00-6:00p.m. Car Line Processional
Hello NWISD Families,
We just sent an email with a link for the 2019-2020 Parent Survey. If you do not receive the email please go to the New Waverly ISD website and complete the 2019-2020 Parent Survey under the Parent Resources tab in the main menu.
The best way to make sure every student in our school succeeds is to build a strong partnership between families, the school and the community. The survey gives you the opportunity to tell us what our school is doing well to support this partnership and what we can do better. Please help us by completing the survey by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4th.
All NWISD FAMILIES: we have some additional hotspots available. We will distribute them at the high school tomorrow from 10:30–1:00 pm on Thursday 4/23/2020. These have unlimited data with 1 per student family while supplies last!
As per Governor Abbott schools will not open again physically. We will continue the school year as we have been doing the past several weeks with our online and physical packets. We want all students to receive credit; we will also continue serving meals as we have been doing.
Reminder to seniors and their parents: 6 pm meeting regarding graduation tonight via zoom. See your email from Mr. Shevlin for details!
NWISD has lost power and internet at this time due to truck in town. We will get things up and running as soon as we are able to do so.
Quick update on meals: Thursdays meals will contain meals for Friday and Monday breakfast. We will be having busses and curbside run Monday-Thursday with the double meals on Thursday! We will not be running busses or curbside service on Fridays.
Happy Good Friday! We hope everyone has a blessed Easter despite the conditions we currently face! One business item: please see our News item for information to virtually attend Monday’s school Board meeting if you are interested.
Please watch this video to see the latest information regarding school work and Good Friday holiday.
We have confirmed with Walker County officials that the new orders issued today ALLOW families to access campuses for picking up or dropping off school work or meals. There is no violation if you choose to access materials in this manner as has occurred for the past 3 weeks. If you are not comfortable doing so please contact your campus principal and we will work on more plans!